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How to clean the joints easy at home?

It is very important when we clean our home, to pay enough attention to hard-to-reach places. Somehow why and for what reason we rarely pay attention to joints. We place tiles in the bathroom, the kitchen, the corridor, sometimes in the whole apartment, so it's easier for us to clean. The reality is that we always use only a mop to clean them. Oh, the joints? The truth is that most bacteria, mold and mildew accumulate in the joints. Micro-organisms that strongly affect the health of each of us.

How to clean the joints at home?

No matter where you will clean tile joints, you need to know first that it will not be easy and it will take time to get the desired effect. The important thing here is that when you finish cleaning the joints, you will be proud of the result.

Necessary products:

  • Baking soda

  • Lemon juice

  • Vinegar

  • An old toothbrush

  • Sprayer

  • Towel


  1. To get start of tile joints, it is necessary first to get rid of the perimeter of furniture objects so as not to have to clean the room to lose strength and nerves in moving them.

  2. Once we've freed up space, we can get ourselves done with our cleaned detergent. Mix in one pot ½ cup of bread soda, ½ cup of lemon juice, ½ cup of vinegar 7 teaspoons of lukewarm water. Mix the homemade preparation and transfer it to a pulverizer. Using a pulverizer, you will ease your cleaning.

  3. Getting to work! Spray carefully the joints you have decided to clean with the homemade preparation you have made. Leave 10-15 minutes to work.

  4. While you are waiting for the preparation to break down the tile joints, fill a basin with lukewarm water and take a towel.

  5. Now is the moment when you will remember what color the joints were at home. Take the old toothbrush and start rubbing the joints. Yes, the joints were white!

  6. After using the toothbrush to get all the dust, microbes and perhaps mold, take the towel you had prepared earlier and wipe the joint. Repeat this action by periodically rinsing the towel in the bowl.

  7. Once you have cleaned all joints with floor cleaners, and with this homemade detergent, thoroughly clean the entire floor. If you have cleaned the joints in the bathroom, rinse with the removable shower and dry.

  8. Now work is done and this time you have a clean and disinfected floor. And you've already remembered the old color of the joints.

I dare say that one of the most difficult cleaning is the cleaning of the joints on the tiles. First of all, the fact that we rarely give them the necessary attention and thorough cleaning. Usually, we take the mop, we wash the tiles quickly, and now that the situation has become black and white, then we see how dirty the joints are.

I know it's very difficult to clean up every corner of the house, but if we distribute time properly, keeping cleanliness and hygiene will be much easier. If you have time take a look of this guide I found - End of tenancy cleaning guide - you can learn some interesting things.

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