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SYK Cleaning Blog

How to clean different stains?

Every one of us had to clean up various stains, whether coffee, ink or chocolate fell on the couch, the carpet, the garment or the carpeting.

Spots can be different and varied, but the problem ends when you know how to clean them. When cleaning each spot it is important to remember two basic rules. The first and basic rule is the rapid reaction to the appearance of the stain. Second, pre-test a piece of tissue that is not visible to reduce the risk of damage.

Everyday we struggle with cleaning the same spots like chocolate, coffee, ink, grass, because they are the most stubborn and one should always be careful with them. Spots appear so suddenly and unexpectedly that sometimes even days pass through until we discover their presence. Let's take a look at the main stains we've encountered and see how to deal with cleaning them without hurting the fabric.

Cleaning chocolate stains

The first and most important thing is to remove the chocolate from the surface of the fabric with the help of a knife or other sharp object. Then immerse the edge of a cloth in medical alcohol and carefully treat the stain to dissolve the stain of chocolate. Wait 20 minutes and wipe the stain with a dry cloth. If the stain is still present, treat it with a 1: 1 solution of warm water and ammonia. The important thing here is not mixing ammonia with chlorine or bleach-containing substances. Re-dry the stain and neutralize the ammonia with a solution of one part of vinegar in four parts of warm water. You can now rinse thoroughly with hot water. The chocolate stain is gone.

Cleaning stains of coffee and tea

Gently moisten the stain of coffee or tea and dip it with a napkin or kitchen paper. In the case of coffee or tea stains that are fresh, you can clean them with cold milk. By pouring the milk stain and circular movements, treat it carefully. Then rinse it with lukewarm water. But if the stain is old and dry, you can remove it using glycerin. Thoroughly smear the stain of coffee or tea with glycerin, leave it for 20 minutes to break down and rinse again with lukewarm water. You can then apply the standard laundry in the washing machine.

Cleaning ink stains

When cleaning ink spots, you need to be very careful and precise because they can not only enlarge, but they can also stain the fabric if it is not properly treated. When cleaning ink spots, you need to arm yourself with patience and act. Take a towel and soak it with fresh milk, then gently rub into the tissue. The ink should begin to degrade and begin to absorb it with a napkin or kitchen paper. If the milk has not worked well on the stain and still has ink residue, treat it with lemon juice.

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